Black Seed, Miracle, or more?

Black Seed, Miracle, or more?

Black Seed Honey 

You may have heard about black seed and its health benefits. But what is black seed honey? What is the plant that produces the precious dark seeds, and how can bees take its medicinal properties to a new level? Read on to find out.

What Is Egyptian Black Seed?

Black seed (Nigella satvia) - also known as Egyptian black seed, black cumin, or kalonji - is one of the medicinal plants that have stood an amazing test of time, used at least from the times of Ancient Egypt till the present day. Today, science has confirmed the medicinal power of the black seed - the power the ancient civilizations knew about for centuries. 

Humans are not the only ones to reap all the health benefits that black seed has to offer. Bees readily collect, nectar, pollen, oils, and other trace elements from black seed flowers and turn it into delicious, potent medicinal honey they use to keep their colonies healthy.

The most famous black seed product is certainly the seed itself, and also the oil derived from it. However, that’s not the end. If you want to incorporate the black seed into your diet and supplementation routine - pure, raw, organic black seed honey is the tastiest and the most flexible way to go about it.

Uses of black seed throughout history

Black seed might be one of the most ancient medicinal herbs, highly popular in various traditional medicine and nutritional systems, as well as in folklore.

The earliest writings about black seed use came from ancient Egypt. Black seed oil was found in the 33000 years old tomb of Tutankhamun, the most famous Egyptian pharaoh. Queen Cleopatra was also known as an avid user of black seed.

Black seed is also highly regarded in Islamic literature, recommended to be used on a regular basis in Tibb-e-Nabawi - Prophetic Medicine. The most famous quote about the medicinal powers of black seed came from Muhammad (pbuh), who said that “it is a cure for all diseases except death”. 

This wonder-plant is also a favorite in other traditional forms of medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani and Tibb, and Siddha

Why is Black Seed So Good and Healthy 

Black seeds exhibit high nutritional and bioactive value. The seeds contain amino acids such as arginine, aspartate, cysteine, glutamate, and methionine; nutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, niacin, thiamin, and folic acid. Additionally, alkaloids, saponins, sterols, and essential oils are also present - black seeds contain 28 established bioactive phytochemicals.

When you look at the list, it is no wonder that a large body of modern scientific studies confirm the medicinal value of black seed and found a wide spectrum of pharmacological traits. Black seed has antimicrobial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, gastro-protective, reno-protective and antioxidant properties. 

The almost miraculous range of black seed positive health effects is mostly due to one special bioactive component of the black seed essential oil - thymoquinone (TQ).  There are more than 400 papers on PubMed and about 13.400 scientific papers in other publications that analyze the medicinal potential of this astonishing compound.

The highest concentration of essential oils is in the seed of N. satvia. However, black seed oil may not be suitable for all consumers, even among those who would greatly benefit from its bioactive components. 

Advantages Of Black Seed Honey

In order to understand how Black Seed Flower Honey gets its medicinal properties, we need to understand how bees create black seed honey and incorporate the medicinal compounds of the plant into the end product. 

Unlike other pollinators who are exclusive nectar-feeders, bees are feeding generalists. That means that they collect nectar, pollen, essential oils and other side-products present at the flowers.

On the other hand, it is in the plant’s best interest to provide high-quality food for bees, and that also includes medicinal bioactive components. Bees require pathogen-free nectar. That is why flowering plants have evolved the capacity to incorporate antimicrobial and other medicinal properties into their blooms.

Bees collect these products along with the nectar and store it in their colonies. Besides using honey for food, they also use the essential oils, antibacterial and antiviral components they had foraged. You could say that the honeycombs represent both food storage and a pharmacy. The fact that they can enhance their colonies’ health by storing the bioactive compounds and using them as needed gives them a great evolutionary advantage over other insects. 

Through apiculture, humans have found a way to tap into this holy alliance between flowers and bees, and use the bee products for their own advantage.

Black Seed Oil vs. Black Seed Honey

Naturally, there is quite a lot of difference between ground black seed, black seed oil, and black seed honey.

Black Seed Honey Superior Taste

One of the few drawbacks of consuming seeds and the oil derived from them is the taste. Many people have an issue with its bitterness and specific aroma despite being aware that it’s super healthy. Sometimes our senses just won’t cooperate with reason, and the result can be an irrational, yet strong aversion to healthy foods such as black seed.

Fortunately, consuming the seeds or seed oil is not the only way to experience the black seed benefits.

Pure black seed honey is an exclusive monofloral honey that is made by bees feeding on Nigella satvia flowers only. Unlike black seed oil, black seed honey has a sweet flavor and exquisite aroma and lets you experience some of the black seed benefits while also giving a treat to your taste buds. 

Honey and Black Seed Synergistic Effect

Another advantage of using medicinal flower honey is the synergistic effect between the plant’s medicinal components and the bioactive components of bee metabolism that are naturally found in honey. For example, a study has shown a noticeable synergetic effect of black seed honey infusion (ground black seed and honey) on wound healing. Based on the available knowledge, a similar effect can be assumed for monofloral medicinal honey such as black seed honey.

Black Seed Honey Safety

Lastly, although black seed oil has been proven safe by studies, a certain amount of toxicity and potentially unwanted metabolic effects have been observed. As the concentration of active compounds is smaller, consumption of black seed honey comes with no risks of such kind. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Black Seed 

What are black seed products good for?

Here is a short list of Black Seed Benefits:

o Strengthens the heart

o Reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels

o Boosts immunity and eases indigestion

o Relieves cough and chest congestion

o Serve as an anti-inflammatory agent

o Purifies the blood and activates the liver

o Acts as an antihistamine

o Acts as a diuretic and cleanses the urinary system

o Improves thyroid functions

o Reduces pain and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis 

What Are The Uses Of Black Seed Honey?

Black seed honey can be used in various ways to improve your health. Because it is so delicious, it can be consumed on its own, and as a healthy sweetener.

How To Use Black Seed Honey On Its Own?

For best results, mix 1 tbsp of Mujeza pure, unfiltered, raw black seed honey with ½ cup warm water or milk, and drink in the morning ½ hour before your first meal. That way, your body can fully absorb all the nutrients honey contains. You can treat yourself with another dose at the end of the day, before going to bed - that can be a very relaxing ritual.

Black Seed Honey in Foods and Beverages

Black seed honey can be added to beverages such as teas, lemonades, and smoothies, or to your meals - feel free to mix it into your oatmeal, spread it on toast with butter or peanut butter, pour it over fruit salads or whole-grain pancakes. It can be also used as a sugar replacement when baking - ¾ cups of honey replaces one cup of sugar. 

How to use black seed honey for fitness rehydration?

Mix a teaspoon or two of honey into your gym water bottle. All the nutrients present in the honey will provide you with sustained energy throughout your training routine, and anti-inflammatory properties will help you to avoid muscle pain after.

Can black seed honey cure bacterial infections?

Black seed honey has shown significant activity in inhibiting the growth of many problematic and even drug-resistant bacteria, such as and the dreaded MRSA, in which case it outperformed Manuka honey in the studies. Also, black seed honey is provenly effective against Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus mutans, and typhoidal salmonellae.

Can black seed help with cancer?

Black seed has proven anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic and anti-metastatic properties. The main active component, thymoquinone, shows efficiency in stopping the proliferation of cancer cells, promoting apoptosis (death) in cancer cells, and inhibiting the expression of aggressive cancer-related genes. Some of the investigated cancer types that have thymoquinone has shown efficacy against include breast cancer, leukemia, pancreatic cancer, bowel cancer and benign tumors, and squamous cell carcinomas. 

Thymoquinone also prevents and reverses chemotherapy cellular damage from agents such as methotrexate and cyclophosphamide, and boosts bone marrow production, aiding immune system recovery. All of the above makes thymoquinone and black seed products great complementary supplements in cancer treatment.

Can black seed heal HIV?

Black seed’s ability to help with HIV infection has been a hot topic in recent years. Although the black seed isn’t a proven cure for HIV, some studies have found that black seed therapy can lead to a decreased viral load and the disappearance of symptoms such as fever, diarrhea and pruritic lesions. The potentials of black seed components as a cure for HIV are to be further explored.

If you are infected with HIV, please seek advice from a medical professional who will be able to recommend the best available treatment. If you want to incorporate black seed oil or honey, make sure to discuss it with your doctor first.

Can black seed help with fertility?

Kalonji benefits for male have been documented in both anecdotal evidence and scientific papers. One study has shown that regular use of black seed oil over a period of two months can enhance sperm parameters - count, mobility, morphology, semen volume, pH, and round cells. It also suggests that it has a positive effect on Leydig cells and sexual hormones of men struggling with infertility. 

And does black seed help with erectile dysfunction? The range of influence pointed out by the study, especially the influence on testosterone-producing Leydig cells and restoring hormone balance suggests that black seed products can certainly help with erectile dysfunction. All in all, Nigella satvia testosterone effect seems to be one of the key features that promote male fertility.

Unlike other products intended for the purpose, there is no downside to using black seed honey for fertility.

Where To Buy Black Seed Honey?

You can order Mujeza 100% black seed raw honey online and have it delivered to your doorstep. Check out our Black Seed Honey Amazon page.


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